Abraham’s two sons Ishmael and Isaac

Click here to ask jesus questionsWhat does the bible say about the relationship between Abraham’s two sons?
In the Scriptures, we learn about the relationship between Abraham’s two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was born to Abraham through Hagar, Sarah’s servant, while Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah in their old age, as a result of God’s promise.

The relationship between Ishmael and Isaac was complex. Ishmael was the older son, but Isaac was the son of the promise. There was tension between Sarah and Hagar, which ultimately led to Hagar and Ishmael being sent away from Abraham’s household. However, God still cared for Ishmael and promised to make him into a great nation as well.

Despite the challenges and separation, both Ishmael and Isaac were blessed by God and went on to become ancestors of significant nations according to the Scriptures. The story of Ishmael and Isaac serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His promises and His ability to work through complicated family dynamics for His divine purposes.

Does the bible say anything else about what happened to Ishmael after he was sent away?
After Ishmael and Hagar were sent away by Abraham, the Scriptures tell us that they wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. Hagar, Ishmael’s mother, was troubled when their water supply ran out, but an angel of God reassured her and promised to make a great nation of Ishmael. God was with Ishmael as he grew up in the wilderness of Paran, and he became a skilled archer, living in the wilderness and eventually becoming the father of twelve princes.

The story of Ishmael after he was sent away emphasizes God’s care and provision for him, fulfilling the promise made to Hagar. It serves as a reminder that even in times of difficulty and isolation, God is present and faithful to His children, guiding them towards their purpose and blessing them abundantly.

Which scriptures tell us about Ishmael wandering in the wilderness?
In the book of Genesis, chapter 21, verses 14 to 21, the Scriptures detail the story of Ishmael and Hagar being sent away by Abraham. It describes how they wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba after their departure, highlighting their journey and the divine intervention they received, including the promise of a great nation for Ishmael. This passage provides insight into their time in the wilderness and God’s guidance and provision for them during that period.
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